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Man lifting weightsWe expect athletes to be strong and  in enviable physical shape. When they get older and put on weight it seems they turn to diet programs and products. According to the Los Angeles Times, Charles Barkley is one of the latest celebrity athletes to pitch a weight loss program. According to the article he caught some flack after calling his shedding of 38 pounds in three months for a Weight Watchers campaign a “scam” (comments that he sort of seemed to mean in a good way, allowing the company a graceful response).Athletes as a whole, especially celebrity athlete are perceived as healthy because of their rigorous schedule and level of competition. According to the study reported in the article, this is not true now, nor has it been true throughout history. The article speaks of Babe Ruth and his insatiable appetite for hot dogs. It is reported that he actually ate a dozen hot dogs before stepping up to the plate.  The article speculates that athletes are likely to eat what they ate throughout their childhood and perhaps their appetite is tied to socio-economic status as well as habitual eating. Dr. O’Toole explains to his patients that exercise alone does not mean that a person will be thin or have the body contour that they desire. Patients who are over the age of 40 both male and female are likely to experience varying degrees of weight gain, due primarily to aging and hormonal shifts. Localized fat deposits can appear on the abdomen, love handles, and lower back. This area encompasses the waistline. Both men and women can benefit greatly from either traditional liposuction or Smartlipo® offered by Dr. O’Toole. Dr. O’Toole performs a thorough initial consultation to determine if the patient is a candidate. He then decides which method of liposuction will be most effective. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and patients must be prepared to continue exercise and maintain a healthy diet for the best long-term results. Liposuction allows Dr. O’Toole to sculpt the abdomen and patients who have defined muscles beneath the fat, find that after liposuction their abdomen looks extremely athletic. Liposuction can be performed on most any area of the body however it is most often performed on the abdomen. Patients should be aware that liposuction does not tighten extreme areas of loose skin, this is rarely an issue for patients who are in good physical shape and are close to their ideal body weight.Dr. O’Toole encourages patients to call the office and arrange a consultation to see if they are candidate for liposuction.


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