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O'Toole Tattoo Removal Patient before and after photos

What Will Affect My Tattoo Removal?

Although getting “inked” continues to grow in popularity, tattoo removal is just as common. According to, nearly 30 percent of people have tattoos, and among those people, about 25 percent regret getting them. If you are experiencing buyer’s remorse for your tattoo, you may be wondering which types of tattoos are easier to remove and which are harder to treat. The following factors will affect your tattoo removal procedure:

  • Color: Certain color pigments are more difficult to address. Typically, the greater the contrast between the ink and the skin, the easier it is for the tattoo to be removed. Black ink on light skin is one of the easiest types of tattoos to target.
  • Size: The larger the tattoo, the more treatments a person will need. Patients may require anywhere between five and 15 treatments. Your doctor will help you determine how many treatments you will need for the best results.
  • Age: How old the tattoo is will influence the difficulty of removal. Typically, newer tattoos are more vibrant and saturated, making them harder to treat. The skin tends to break down the ink over time, which means that older tattoos that have faded are easier to remove.
  • Unhealthy habits: Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can cause poor blood circulation, making the skin less responsive to the tattoo removal treatment. Patients who smoke or consume alcohol will have a longer recovery and are less likely to achieve the best results. It is highly recommended that patients avoid excessive drinking and tobacco use, at least for the duration of the tattoo removal treatment(s).

Your Tattoo Removal Treatment

The best way to find out how successful your tattoo procedure will be is to schedule a consultation with a qualified professional such as Dr. O’Toole. He can evaluate your tattoo, skin tone, and health to help determine the right option for you. Dr. O’Toole offers laser tattoo treatment. MedLite C6 laser technology is used to remove tattoos in a safe and efficient manner with less pain and no incisions. Patients can achieve effective results without harming the skin.  

If you have a tattoo that you would like to have removed, schedule your consultation with Dr. O’Toole today! He is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced and skilled in the latest technologies for tattoo removal treatments. Contact us by calling (626) 449-8910 or by filling out our online contact form.