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Category: Non-Surgical Procedures

Medication labels can be confusing

Posted February 18, 2011

prescription pillAccording to MSNBC  take two tablets by mouth twice daily.” This printed instruction, common on prescription pill bottles, might seem straightforward. Yet in a study, nearly half of patients misunderstood what it or other common label instructions meant.

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Virtual Lap-Band Procedure Could Help Some Lose Weight

Posted February 07, 2011

According to CBS 8 Allison Harden is being wheeled into an operating room, about to have gastric-band surgery. She can hear the operating staff, the monitors — it seems so real. But it’s not. It’s all in her mind. “You will not feel any pain at all… Just then the surgeon enters the room,” a […]

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Study: Americans Over-Spending On Prescription Drugs

Posted February 04, 2011

According to CBS 10 Americans are spending too much money on brand name prescription drugs when generic versions will essentially do the same job, according to a new study. Consumer Reports’ Lisa Gill tells KNX 1070 that people could save a lot of money by opting for the generic drugs — and possibly even limit […]

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New Drug approved to prevent premature births

Posted February 02, 2011

According  to the LA Times  for the first time, the Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved a drug to reduce the risk of premature delivery, although it required the manufacturer to conduct more studies to demonstrate the drug’s efficacy. The agency gave the nod to a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, which is normally produced […]

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14% of LA adults have been depressed

Posted January 25, 2011

According to CBS 10 a survey conducted by LA County’s Department of Public Health finds nearly 14 percent of adults surveyed said they had been diagnosed with depression, up from about 9 percent in 1999. “The increase in rates of diagnosed depressive disorders may reflect better recognition and reporting of the disorder, rather than an actual […]

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Mental health issues and pregnancy

Posted January 24, 2011

According to channel 10 news a  new study suggests having an abortion does not increase the risk of mental health problems, but having a baby does. The research by Danish scientists is one of the largest to compare the aftermath of both decisions. It further debunks the notion that terminating a pregnancy can trigger mental illness […]

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Backsliding on your resolutions already? Here’s a refresher course

Posted January 12, 2011

According to The Los Angeles Times we hate to nag, really. But maybe that wadded-up bag of Cheetos is a sign that your get-healthy resolve is wearing thin — and just two weeks into 2011. These 11 tips from family doctor Amy Balka in the Health Notes blog of the Newport News Daily Press emphasize […]

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Details of cigarette ingredients hopefully will dissuade smokers

Posted January 05, 2011

According to The Los Angeles Times by late March, tobacco companies will have to reveal to the Food and Drug Administration what sorts of new additives they’ve recently put in their products. But the ruling doesn’t apply to electronic cigarettes, whose makers are locked in legal battle with the FDA. Meanwhile, the e-cigs are starting to […]

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The cost of quitting smoking

Posted December 30, 2010

According to The Los Angeles Times  what does it cost to stop smoking? For just about anyone, less than it does to keep smoking. Many smokers burn through thousands of dollars each year buying cigarettes alone. Then there are peripheral costs like breath mints, extra trips to the dry cleaner and higher premiums for health insurance.

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