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Group of women drinking wineYou do not have to look very far to find someone who has suffered a hangover. As the new year approaches many expect to join the ranks of sufferers. Advice for how to prevent or cure a hangover is not in short supply. According to the Los Angeles Times studies show that no matter how hard we look to find a cure or preventive remedy there appears to be nothing effective yet available. The symptoms most suffer from include headache, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, thirst,  not being able to concentrate  and dizziness. According to the article a 2005 meta-analysis in the British Medical Journal looked at studies of various alleged remedies, including tropisetron (a nausea drug), propranolol (a beta blocker that affects blood flow), tolfenamic acid (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) and fructose or glucose (supposedly they tamp down the metabolic effects of ethanol). The studies also examined the success of various dietary supplements, including prickly pear.  The conclusion was that none of these remedies were effective. The conclusion of the article advised what we already know, abstinence or moderation are the only cures for a hangover. Dr. O’Toole asked patients who are considering surgery about their lifestyle habits including alcohol consumption. Some patients, particularly those having what they may consider smaller procedures like breast augmentation, or small areas of liposuction, might think it’s a good idea to celebrate the last days of hanging out and drinking before surgery. To some it makes sense because they will be recovering for a few weeks after surgery and will not be able to go out partying with their friends. It may seem harmless, especially if the drinking is done a few days before surgery but the reality is it is ill-advised for patients to drink prior to surgery. Beside the fact that overindulgence could cause illness prior to surgery, alcohol in the bloodstream can increase surgical complications. It is safer  for patients to abstain from alcohol at least a full two weeks prior to surgery. Dr. O’Toole reminds patients that they’ll have a lifetime to celebrate their new look.


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